Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Late Romans vs Early Saxons Lion Rampant Game

Late Romans advance towards Saxon raiders

Late Roman cavalry charge Saxon Gedriht

First combat of the game

Saxons retreat

Saxon Gedriht rally and are ready to charge

Here are some photos of a Late Romans vs Early Saxons 20 point Lion Rampant game we played in the afternoon, down at the club about a week ago. We used Craig's figures and terrain, Garry commanded the Early Saxons and I commanded the Late Romans. The Romans had initial success with a cavalry charge but then suffered severely at the hands of two units of Saxon Gedriht who slaughtered most of the Roman cavalry. The Romans just managed to rally and survive and were able to hang on with a unit of archers and a unit of Pedites. The Saxons after a strong start faded and were unable to rally at critical times in the game. 

I'm keen to try some solo games with Chariots Rampant, the Bronze Age Lion Rampant variant and I'm painting some Mycenaeans at the moment and will hopefully give these a run soon.

The old one two with the other unit of Gedriht

Late Romans suffer heavy casualties and are battered but rally

Saxon Gedriht are battered and fail to rally

End of the game - the Late Romans just hold on


  1. Nice looking game with beautiful minis, love the motivating priest!

    1. Thanks Phil, Lion Rampant games are quick and fun.

  2. Good to see you're getting plenty of gaming in at the moment Mike!

    1. Thanks Aaron, yes it can be a bit sporadic at times, I guess there is always the solo game option.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, I've got quite a few retinues to paint for Lion Rampant games.

  4. Stunning looking figures as always, Mike. This is a period I had wanted to get into, but for some reason never got started. It's satisfying to see your work!

    1. Thanks Dean, the Dark Ages is a great period to game. I really like Dux Bellorum as well as Lion Rampant.

  5. Lovely looking game,lion rampant is always fun(even if you get hammered!) Two armies I'm lining up to paint, hopefully next year.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it is a fun set of rules and what is good is you don't need a lot of figures to play it. I'm using Chariots Rampant, the Bronze Age variant for games as well.


Late Roman Infantry

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