Sunday, July 15, 2018

New Kingdom Egyptians versus Sea People Basic Impetus Game

Sea People on the left, New Kingdom Egyptians on the right

Libyan archers on the Egyptian left flank

Egyptian chariots on the right flank

Pelset ox cart

Egyptians and Sea People exchange fire

Last Sunday a week ago Craig, Garry and I played two games down at the Vikings Club. The first of these was New Kingdom Egyptians, commanded by Craig, versus Sea People, commanded by me, in a Basic Impetus game. This was over fairly quickly and was a bit of massacre of the Sea People, they didn't manage to put up much resistance at all. The second game was a Dark Ages Lion Rampant game with Late Romans versus Early Saxons and I will put photos of this game in a separate post. I've been off line for a while with computer issues so haven't been able to post anything in this time.

Pelset chariots on the Sea People right flank

Egyptian chariots charge 

Sea People skirmishers evade

Sea People left flank collapses

Sea People centre crumbles as well


  1. Love seeing your Biblical Wars collections out for a battle!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'm painting some Mycenaeans at the moment.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Telamon, I really like the Bronze Age as a period to game.

  3. Great looking figures and set up, Mike. Love the ox cart - guess they worked kind of how they're depicted in Egyptian art of the period - slow and a bit a of a target :) I know how the Egyptians were respected by the Mycenaeans in the references made in the Odyssey.

  4. Thanks Dean, that's right most of what we know about the Sea People's appearance is from Egyptian reliefs and paintings. I'm working on some Mycenaeans for Chariots Rampant at the moment.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...