Sunday, August 26, 2018

Early Sumerian Chariots Rampant Game

Army of Lagash on the left, Army of Ur on the right

View from the Lagash lines

Opposite end of the table


Battle cars of Ur screened by javelinmen

Armies advance

King of Ur leads the way

Battle cars charge

Here are some photos of another solo Chariots Rampant game I played recently with the Early Sumerian armies of Ur and Lagash. This was a 48 point game that see sawed back and forth, with heavy casualties on both sides before the army of Ur collapsed at the end, to suffer quite a heavy defeat. There were only three units left of the army of Ur, including the undefeated Royal Guard. The Gutians who were tribal warriors and count as fierce foot were particularly destructive.

Gutians charge the Lagash battle cars

Battle cars charge on the other flank

Royal Guard of Ur

Army of Ur suffers heavy casualties

Royal Guard of Ur remain undefeated

Spearmen of Ur

The sole surviving battle car of Lagash

The winter here, in the bush capital, is a great time for seeing all the cockatoos, parrots and gang-gangs that escape from the snow and cold weather in the mountains. Twice last week a large flock of 40-50 Sulphur Crested White Cockatoos descended and started work on our front lawn! They are hilarious to watch, they're so raucous and playful. King Parrots, Gang-Gangs and Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos are often seen at this time of the year in the suburbs and areas of bush like Mt Ainslie, Mt Majura, Majura Pines and Bruce Ridge.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos on the front lawn

Male Gang-Gang


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Always enjoy seeing your chariot armies and local birds too.

  3. WHat a great looking game with splendid armies (impressive close ups), LOVE this period!!

    1. Thanks Phil, the Sumerians are a lot of fun and not that common.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, there are some nice Sumerian ranges around.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, I always enjoy the Sumerian games.

  6. Love the Sumerians, great looking armies! Good looking parrots too!
    Best Iain

  7. Love the Sumerians! Those and Akkadian are becoming favourite periods for me. Don't you find all those cockatoos a little noisy? although compared to lorikeets, I guess they are quiet!

    1. Thanks Shaun, it is a great period to game. They are deafening, they're never quiet!

  8. Superb looking Sumerians, Mike. Love the colorful birdies too!

    1. Thanks Dean, the birds are fun to look at.

  9. Great looking battle. How do you find playing solo.

    1. Thanks Colin, it is OK a bit slow sometimes, ideally this size game would be better with two players a side. It is hard to organise games and opponents at times.

  10. That's a neat looking game, Cryus. I have a copy of Chariot Rampant on the way. You've convinced me to give the rules a try!

    1. Thanks Scott, it is fun, you need a copy of Lion Rampant and the Chariots Rampant article is in WSS issue 82.

  11. What a great looking game. I'm glad I found your new blog. Cheers, Karl

    1. Thanks Karl, thanks for following the new blog too. Hopefully I'll get in some more biblical games once I finish painting my Indians. Cheers Mike.


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