Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sumerian Nim Skirmishers

While I was playing a Sumerian game last weekend (see previous post) I noticed some of the Wargames Foundry skirmishers were painted but not completed. These are great figures, sculpted by the Perrys, so I thought I'd finish them off. Apparently Nim means 'flies', their opponents found them numerous, persistent and irritating! My three favourite 28mm Sumerian ranges are Foundry, Cutting Edge and Eureka. Eureka have just released a great looking 15mm Sumerian range, sculpted by Alan Marsh, based on their superb 28mm Sumerian range.


  1. These look like a bunch of bad dudes. The skin heads look menacing.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the Foundry biblical ranges are hard to beat.

  2. The bald headed Sumers don't know it now, but in about 20 yrs they are going to have skin cancer on their pates.

  3. Dig the various skin tones and hair (or lack thereof), styles, Mike. Very scary bunch!

    1. Thanks Dean, the different skin tones are good for a bit of variety.

  4. Nice bunch of skirmishers!
    Best Iain

  5. Wonderful skin shades, faces look so expressive...Great job!


Early New Kingdom Egyptian Chariots

  Here are some 15mm early New Kingdom Egyptian chariots by Khurasan Miniatures. These are from the 18th Dynasty, part of the army of the gr...