Friday, August 3, 2018

Late Romans

Here are a few photos of my Late Roman army to date apart from the two cavalry units I painted earlier this year and have posted pics of previously. I was trying to find old photos of them but they were all over the place in various folders, so I decided to take new photos of them instead, so they're all in the one place. These units are a real mix of ranges, too many to list, and are based for Dux Bellorum and Impetus. The Roman Limes watch tower is by 4G.


  1. With the varied and colorful shield transfers, this is an eye popping army. I bet it looks great arrayed for battle. Nice!

  2. Thanks Jonathan, they do look good with all of the interesting shield designs in the Notitia Dignitatum.

  3. Absolutely stunning Late-Romans, Mike! Love the color schemes and tunic details. Very impressive.

    1. Thanks Dean, I'll have to get cracking on my Goths, Franks, Saxons and Huns next.

  4. Great looking late Romans! It's a colourful period which I now have a pile of to paint so this is nice and inspirational!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it is a great period to game, with lots of interesting armies.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...