Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Indian Longbowmen and Forest Indian Skirmishers

Here are some recently painted Indians, as well as some older ones, that I will be using for the Command & Colors Ancients, Battle of Hydaspes game at Little Wars Canberra in November. The figures are a real mix of ranges in mostly sixteen figure units for the infantry. I still have quite a bit of painting to do for this, so I'd better get back to it!

Mountain Indian longbowmen

Forest Indian skirmishers with longbow

Forest Indian javelinmen


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil, still lots of Indians to finish.

  2. Sixteen figure units for CCA will be an impressive sight. Good work on the Indians.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, hopefully it will be impressive with the Macedonians as well.

  3. Great looking archers and skirmishers!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, on to the spearmen, clubmen and swordsmen next.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, there are some nice Indian ranges, I really like the 1st Corps and Newline figures.

  5. Great work again - especially with the varying skin tones. I have bad memories of facing these types of troops with my Mycenaeans at the 2013 WAB GT - they more than decimated my army.

    1. Thanks Dean. Shooting could be ridiculously effective in WAB, I remember a few games with my Early Persians, they could be quite nasty to face.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...