Thursday, September 13, 2018

Samnites versus Etruscans Basic Impetus Game

Samnites on the left, Etruscans on the right

View from the Samnite lines

Side view of the armies deployed

Samnite centre

Samnite right flank

As I mentioned in my last post, last Sunday afternoon down at the club, Garry and I played a Samnite versus Etruscans Basic Impetus game. Both are interesting and colourful armies, and certainly ones that you don't see that often on the wargame table. We didn't bother with any fancy tactics, just lined them up, advanced and charged. I was expecting my Samnites to get thrashed again, after their drubbing against the Camillan Romans, a few weeks ago. To my surprise, aided by lucky dice rolling, the Samnites punched a hole in the Etruscan centre, this soon collapsed and the Etruscans were routed.

The armies close

Both sides get stuck in

Casualties mount

A hole appears in the Etruscan centre

The Etruscan centre collapses


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it was a good win for the Samnites against the heavier Etruscans.

  2. Looks great, Mike! Don't see these two armies in battle often, as you say.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I tempted to get some Etruscans myself, as I already have a unit of cavalry.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, the Aventine Etruscans are very nice.

  4. Nice looking unusual mix of combatants!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, we're going to do a Tullian Roman vs Early Etruscan game, see how that goes.


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