Monday, September 10, 2018

Battle of Colline Gate 82 BC - Command & Colors Ancients

Sulla and Crassus confer

Samnite/Marian right flank

Samnite/Marian left flank

Samnite/Marian left flank suffers heavy casualties

It is a slaughter!

Last Sunday morning down at the club Garry, Craig and I played two games of the Battle of Colline Gate scenario for Command and Colors Ancients (CCA). In the first game Craig and Garry were Sulla and Crassus, controlling the Colline Gate, while I was the Samnite/Marian commander Pontius Telesinus, encamped outside the city. This game was over fairly quickly as Crassus swept the field and annihilated the Samnite/Marian left flank. The Samnites were able to counter attack on their right flank but it proved to be too little, too late.

In the second game we swapped sides and this game was a bit closer but still over fairly quickly. The Samnites staged a stunning reversal of form and were able to win a notable 5-3 victory points result! Thanks to Craig and Garry for the fun games, I always really enjoy these CCA games, even when I get slaughtered. After lunch Garry and I played an Etruscan versus Samnite Basic Impetus game but I will put the photos of this game in a seperate post.

Crassus sweeps the field

Pontius Telesinus leads the Samnite counter attack

Sulla and troops emerge from the gate to mop up the field

The Samnites go down fighting

Sulla's forces claim an easy victory


  1. Excellent! I enjoy seeing your CCA Games in miniature.CCA works so well with miniatures. I love bringing my 6mm ancients armies out for CCA.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, CCA is such a fun game. 28mm looks good but 6mm is hard to beat for the massed effect.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, CCA is great fun and there are literally hundreds of scenarios to choose from.

  3. That's a beautiful game! Love the fortress walls as a backdrop too!

    1. Thanks Dean, it was a lot of fun and the Sarissa walls are the business.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, it was a lot of fun, a good scenario to do.

  5. Great looking battle, two gorgeous armies battling it out!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was good to play both sides too, sometimes the scenarios are tougher for one side than the other.

  6. Great game! I also like the rules of R. Borg

    1. Thanks Sergiuss A, they are a great set of rules, I'm really looking forward to Command & Colors Medieval.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...