Thursday, September 6, 2018

Little Wars Canberra 4 November 2018

Zama 2015

Zama 2015

Zama 2015

Zama 2015

Zama 2015

Gabiene 2016

Gabiene 2016

Gabiene 2016

Gabiene 2016

Gabiene 2016

If you live in the ACT or nearby, just a heads up that the Little Wars Canberra event is coming up soon, on Sunday 4 November 2018. This is a one day participation game event that has been run by Greg, Ian and Lee since 2015. Greg had a short article on last year's event published in Wargames Illustrated Issue 365 March 2018, so check that out, if you're interested. It will be held down stairs at the Vikings Club in Heidelberg Street, Lanyon from 10am. Entry is by gold coin donation with all proceeds going to charity. Apart from a wide range of participation games there will be vendors attending, with full food and bar facilities available upstairs at the club.

We will be running another 28mm Command and Colors Ancients (CCA) participation game, this year the Battle of Hydaspes 326 BC. Usually we run two games, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with up to three players a side for each game. So if you fancy being Porus, Alexander or another commander please come along and join in the fun. The GMT Games' Command and Colors Ancients website has the scenario for the Battle of Hydaspes and a pdf for the Third Edition Rules. GMT Games are releasing Command & Colors Medieval supposedly early next year, although the release date has been pushed back so many times, I wouldn't hold my breath on this! Interestingly the first expansion set will cover the Justinian Wars of the sixth century.

I have included photos of our previous games of Zama, Gabiene and Cannae with this post. Details of all the participation games have yet to be totally finalised but will be on the Little Wars Australia website or Facebook page, closer to the time of the actual event. Games that I'm aware of, apart from our one, include Allenby 1917 a WW1 Gaza action, with 'The Men Who Would Be Kings' rules. A 1/600 scale Queneitra 1973 from the Yom Kippur War with Fistful of TOWs rules, Salting Tommy's Soup WW2 North Africa with the Too Fat Lardies' rules 'What a Tanker', General Quarters GQ3 WW2 Naval action, Immingham 28mm (or possibly 54mm) ECW skirmish game, The Mexican Adventure 1861 to 1867 Black Powder game, Monmouth Courthouse AWI with Regimental Fire and Fury rules, The Meeting CIA agents taking on insurgents with Spectre Operations and a Mortem et Gloriam (MeG) Ancients and Medieval game.

Cannae 2017

Cannae 2017

Cannae 2017

Cannae 2017

Cannae 2017

Cannae 2017

Cannae 2017


  1. Lovely looking games! Sounds fun,bit of a schlep from this hemisphere!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it is always a fun day with a wide variety of games for people to try out.

  2. CCA looks so great when using miniatures and yours are exceptional!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, CCA games are such fun. I have a lot of Indians to paint for Hydaspes!

  3. Fabulous images of the past games. I'm sure the Hydaspes game will be equally stunning

    1. Thanks Dean, I have a lot of Indians to paint before then! We have a CCA game the Battle of Colline 82 BC tomorrow, should be fun.


Mitanni and Canaanite Infantry

  Here are some 15mm Mitanni infantry and Canaanite javelin men. The Mitanni infantry are by Chariot Miniatures and the Canaanite javelin me...