Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Indian Elephants

Aventine elephants and crew

Aventine elephants and crew

1st Corps and Tin Soldier elephant and crew

1st Corps and Tin Soldier elephant and crew

Here are four more elephants for King Porus's army that I will be using for my Command and Colors Ancients, Battle of Hydaspes game at Little Wars in Canberra on 4 November 2018. I know the Tin Soldier elephant's ears are too large for an Indian elephant but it fits size wise with the hefty beast from 1st Corps and I quite like the pose anyway. I'm in the home straight now and have a final Indian four horse chariot unit - two chariots to finish, then the Indians are all done for the game. I've included photos of three Indian elephants that I painted earlier on below.

Old Glory elephants and crew

Old Glory elephants and crew

Vendel/Sgt Major elephant and crew

Vendel/Sgt Major elephant and crew

All seven elephants


  1. I love a parade of elephants! All look terrific.
    I am really looking forward to seeing your Hydaspes game next month and your collection of elephants out in force.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, it should look good with all the Indians and Macedonians.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the elephants and chariots always get the attention in an Indian army.

  3. Lovely collection of elephants! Nice that they're all shapes and sizes, I've still got three minifig elephants from the seventies when I tried to teach myself ancient wargaming with WRG seventh edition ancients,I couldn't understand the rules and gave up! Maybe I'll have another go 40 years on with TTS?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, the Aventine figures are the nicest but I do like a mix. I've still got Minifigs from back then and my copies of WRG Ancient rules. Why not if you enjoy TTS, it is never too late...

  4. What a stunning and gorgeous collection of elephants, superb...and most impressive!

  5. Wonderful collection of elies!

    1. Thanks Dean, the Indian ellies are hard to beat, they're so colourful.

  6. Miniature elephants are cool. Yours are frozen!

  7. I always enjoy comparison pieces on the variety of figures available, and they are all nicely painted.

    1. Thanks El Grego, the Avenitne ones are the nicest but I do like a mix of ranges.

  8. Love the massed elephants. Lovely basing too.

    1. Thanks Colin, the Indians should look good with all,the elephants and chariots.


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