Thursday, October 18, 2018

Late Romans versus Britons Saga Game

Late Romans' side of the table

Britons' side 

Late Roman infantry

Late Roman cavalry with Briton warriors withdrawing

More Late Roman cavalry 

I haven't played Saga for quite a few years but did pick up the Saga 2 rules at Wintercon in July this year. I had a copy of Aetius and Arthur but had never played any of the factions in it, until last Wednesday night down at the Vikings Club, where Craig and I played a 6 point game with his Britons against my Late Romans, using the standard Clash of Warlords scenario. Although I was bumbling around with the rules and loading up the battle board after a few turns, I started to get the hang of it again.

Craig patiently explained aspects of the rules that had changed. The game was pretty much level pegging with casualties and fatigue mounting on both sides. Craig rolled his usual rubbish dice, his bad luck seems to be a feature of our games, for some reason! In the final turn as the only option, I  attacked and then killed his Warlord, with my battle board loaded with a couple of dice in the Combat Pool and the Ardor ability. More good luck than anything but still a fun reintroduction to Saga.

Briton warriors are destroyed on the right flank

Britons' Warlord inspires an attack

Casualties and fatigue mount

The late Roman Warlord kills the Briton Warlord


  1. Always looks like a fun game, Saga.

    1. It is fun Aaron, helps if you know your factions and battle boards really well! It can be quite cheesy at times...

  2. Sounds like a fun game,got saga 1 , still haven't got around to playing it! Nice figures of course!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was fun. Annoying that made all the earlier supplements out of date with the new rules.

    2. So does that mean the Aetius to Arthur supplement which seemed to come out just before saga 2 is obsolete? Is there a major change in saga 2 that makes everything from 1redundant or is it just a sales ploy?
      Best Iain

    3. There are changes and they have redone all the battle boards from the earlier supplements except for Aetius and Arthur. There is a download for the changes to that on the Studio Tomahawk site. I think it is more of a sales ploy than anything else.

  3. Very nice looking Late-Romans. I do like their red-white shield patterns. Quite eye-catching.

    1. Thanks Dean, those red and white LBM transfers do look good.

  4. Oh, excellent looking game. I like Saga system very much and miniatures from this period.
    best regards

    1. Thanks Michal, Saga is fun and the GB and Footsore figures are excellent.


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