Saturday, October 13, 2018

Indian Four Horse Chariots

Here are two Indian Four Horse Chariots and crew that I've just finished painting. The first one is by Newline Designs and the second by 1st Corps Miniatures. Since posting my last batch of Indian Cavalry and Infantry for King Porus' army I've realised the shield designs on the cavalry, based on the reliefs at Sanchi, are incomplete. They're missing the horizontal or east-west line on the compass type shield design. It is pretty easy to fix and I have already added in the line on some of the chariot crew's shields. Hopefully I'll have time to finish another four horse chariot unit before the Command and Colors Ancients Hydaspes game at Little Wars Canberra in November. The elephants are trumpeting to be finished, as I have four that are about half complete, so I better get cracking on that next!


  1. Both chariots look great! The 1st Corps figures look quite a bit bigger than Newline Design. Which do you prefer?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, the Newline are actually bigger, the 1st Corps are more true 25mm. I like both ranges but if I had to choose between the two, I'd probably go 1st Corps.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, hopefully I'll have time to finish another unit before Little Wars.

  3. Lovely looking chariots! They look eminently compatible to me,in spite of being from different manufacturers!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, they're fine and I like to mix up ranges anyway.

  4. Great looking chariots. Huge and imposing on the battlefield.

    1. Thanks Dean, the Indians should look good with all the elephants and chariots.

  5. Thanks Jay, got some Indian elephants up next.


Dark Age Irish and Norse Gael Warriors

  Here are some Dark Age or Early Medieval Irish and Norse Gael/Hiberno Norse warriors. Figures are by Gripping Beast and Crusader Miniature...