Friday, October 12, 2018

Battle on the River Glein Dux Bellorum Game

Saxons far side, Romano-Brits foreground

Both sides advance towards the river crossings

Saxons charge across the river

Last Saturday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played a second Dux Bellorum game, using the Age of Arthur WAB supplement campaign, The Raiding Season (pp.133-135). The scenario was the Battle on the River Glein (pp.98-99) with Craig's Early Saxons regrouping from their previous defeat to attack again with both sides' objective to control the two river crossings. This turned out to be a very quick and one sided game with Saxon's suffering a very bad run of luck with the dice. The Romano-British didn't lose a single unit and scored another mighty victory. The next game will be scenario nine with The Cattle Raid (pp.114-115). We have a much larger Dux Bellorum game lined up at the club next Sunday, with the Battle of Ashdown 871 AD, so it will be interesting to see how that goes.

Saxons suffer heavy casualties

Saxons charge again for a last ditch effort

Saxons rout


  1. Thanks Michal, DB is a lot of fun, probably my favourite set of rules.

  2. Nice looking game,I must try and get a couple of armies done for this ruleset,I should also get some swamp/bog done too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, unit size is totally flexible, so you don't have to have heaps of figures.


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