Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Indian Cavalry and Infantry

Here are some Indian cavalry and infantry that I've just finished painting and that will be used in the Command and Colors Ancients, Battle of Hydaspes participation game next month at Little Wars Canberra 2018. I've finished all the infantry and cavalry for the game, now have four elephants and four, four horse chariots to finish off. Phew! The figure ranges are by Old Glory, 1st Corps and Newline Designs. I actually painted the armoured Old Glory Indian cavalry a couple of years ago but just removed the round shields they came with and added bell shields from 1st Corps, so had a fair bit of touching up to do on them.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, the Indians should look good when they're all finished.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it will be good to get them on the table.

  3. Ooh, nice! I nearly pulled the trigger on an OG 15s Indian army for Hydaspes a couple of years ago, but didn't. You're not helping me stick with that decision! :D

    1. Thanks Aaron, you should get a Xyston Indian army, they're great figures, better than many 28mm ranges.

  4. Yes, as all of stated, very, very impressive troops, Mike! I normally shy away from "native/irregular" type troops - but you've certainly painted these up to match any other type of troops - including those fancy/smancy looking hypaspists and companions.

    1. Thanks Dean, hopefully the remaining elephants and chariots will turn out OK as that is what usually gets noticed.

  5. Lovely looking cavalry and infantry, nice mix of troops, they're all supporting acts to the elephants and chariots though!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, that's right - that is what everyone notices in an Indian army.

  6. Lovely work! The wheels on the Newline, with all the spokes, are terrific.

    1. Thanks Simon, the Newline figures are excellent and seem to be the only 28mm. manufacturer who do Mountain Indians.


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