Thursday, November 22, 2018

Goths versus Britons Saga Game

Romano-British (top) and Goths (bottom) deployed 

Goths advance

Goth Hearthguard

Goth Warlord screened by Hearthguard

Brit Hearthguard

Brit Warlord with Companions

Brit Hearthguard on the right flank

Last Wednesday night down at the Vikings Club, Craig and I played a Goths versus Britons Saga game. It was a standard 6 point Clash of Warlords scenario which turned out to be a fairly one sided game. It was my first Saga game with the Goths and the Britons managed to run rings around them. In the end my Warlord was killed but not before the writing was well and truly on the wall! Still it was fun to give the Goths a run and I definitely learnt a bit about using the Goth battle board.

Goth Hearthguard attempt to gain First Blood

Brits show No Pity

Goths withdraw again

Goth casualties mount

Brits close in to finish them off

Goths are further reduced 

Brit Hearthguard circle

Goth Warlord is killed


  1. Oooh! What a beautiful looking miniatures!

    1. Thanks Michal, unfortunately the Goths didn't put up much of a fight!

  2. Handsome game, indeed! Too bad about the loss. Maybe next time your Goths will do better?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes there is always next time! I'm quite keen to paint more Huns and give them a try...

  3. Great looking figures and terrain again, Mike

    1. Thanks Dean, it was good fun even though the Goths didn't put up much of a fight.

  4. Lovely looking figures on both sides! Do you get double duty out of these chaps in Dux B?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, yes I use all my armies for Saga, DB, BI and ADLG, it's not a problem if you base them individually and use movement trays.


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