Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Cattle Raid Dux Bellorum Game

View of the table from the Saxon lines

View from the Romano-British lines

Both sides advance 

Last Saturday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played a third game in our Dux Bellorum campaign using the Age of Arthur WAB supplement with scenario 9, The Cattle Raid (pp.114-115). After two Mighty Victories in the previous games I was now the attacker with my Romano-British and Craig had a slightly reduced Saxon force of 29 points. The Brit raiders had looted a Saxon settlement and were making off with the loot (two ox carts and a flock of sheep) when the Saxons returned determined to prevent them and recapture the baggage.

The Brits lost all their skirmishers early in the game but the casualties were mounting on the Saxons' side and they were slowly but surely being driven back. The Saxons managed to recapture all the baggage but were not fairing so well in actual combat. We stuffed up the main combat on the left flank by forgetting to target the hits on my Noble Riders rather than my Companions, so called it a draw, as otherwise the Saxons would not have routed so quickly.

Romano-Brit foot skirmishers are destroyed in the centre

The Saxons are driven back

All the loot is recaptured but the Saxons are on the verge of breaking


  1. Great looking game and troops. Good to hear the old Age of Arthur WAB supplement being put to use.

    1. Thanks Dean, the scenarios in it are fun but don't always convert that easily to another rule set. The WAB supplements are a great gamers' resource.

  2. Nice looking game,I'm prepping up two bands for Dux B,it might take a while to get them on the table but I really fancy the ruleset and the period, that's a lot of sheep!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, one of the great things about DB is the unit sizes are totally flexible, all measurement is base widths, so a unit can be just 3-4 figures if you want. The flock of sheep is a one piece resin casting by 1st Corp and is very nice.


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