Friday, November 16, 2018

Scythian Horse Archers

Here are some Scythian horse archers, they are a real mix of ranges - Hinchliffe Miniatures, Warlord Games, Wargames Foundry, Old Glory and a single A&A figure. The Hinchliffe figures are single piece castings that I bought and painted way back in the mists of time! I must admit to a nostalgic fondness for these figures and have rebased them and touched them up a bit.

The Foundry figures are the nicest range but I quite like the Old Glory and Warlord figures as well. I have two six figure units of the Foundry Scythian nobles to paint then I should have enough for a game of Chariots Rampant with the Scythians. I really like horse archer armies even though they don't do very well in most rule sets (often the table size is an issue) and also have Parthians, Huns and Mongols.


  1. These look great, Mike! I was looking at a handful of my Foundry Scythian horse archers today thinking I ought to put a few into the painting queue. You have given me some motivation to do so.

    1. Thanks Jomathan, the Foundry figures are great to paint. I'm hoping to give them a run against my Neo-Assyrians.

  2. Very nice, Mike! I had the OG set; they were pretty cool.

    1. Thanks Dean, the OG Scythians are cool figures, I have some of the nobles with barding to paint as well.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, I quite like the old Hinchliffe horse archers, they were pretty good figures back in the day.

  4. As always, very nice painting. Maybe you are having too much fun.

    1. Thanks Jay, maybe but it can be a bit slow at times...

  5. Great looking cavalry Cyrus, well done!

    1. Thanks Phil, it will be good to finish the nobles next.

  6. A nice varied mix of Sythians! They look splendid!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I have more cavalry and Scythian infantry to paint as well but at least it's a start.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, looking forward to a game with the Scythians.


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