Saturday, December 22, 2018

Neo-Assyrian Chariot and Cavalry

First of all I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy gaming, painting and blogging for 2019!

Here are a Neo-Assyrian chariot and some more cavalry that I've finally finished painting. These are all Wargames Foundry figures, really superb detail but quite time consuming to paint. The cavalry are a mixed unit with front rank lancers and the rear rank archers. Anyway the good news is I now have enough painted to play a Chariots Rampant game with Neo-Assyrians versus Neo-Babylonians. I'll try a game over the next couple of days and see how they go.


  1. Merry Christmas, Mike!

    Your chariot and cavalry are terrific! The Foundry Assyrian range is superb and one of my favorites. You are quite right about the Assyrians taking some time to paint. The result is worth the effort, I think.

    I plan to field my Assyrians in a game of "To the Strongest!" this weekend. It will be the first time in battle for the collection and I can hardly wait!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too Jonathan! Good luck with your Assyrian game, I'm looking forward to giving mine a run as well.

  2. Chariot looks amazing!!
    Merry Christmas sir!

  3. Fantastic figures, Mike! The colors are perfect. They look like they came off the pages of one of favorite Ospreys, the Assyrian book illustrated by McBride. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Dean, the chariot is based on the McBride illustration in the Assyrian Osprey book. Merry Christmas!

  4. Awesome figures, wonderful job!

  5. The cavalry have a lovely colour contrast. The mustard colour is subtle and really makes the red and blue stand out. You have done the eyes. Great work. What is the mustard colour? Sleeve stripe also very effective.

    1. Thanks Colin, the colour on the tunics is Foundry Ochre 4B. Both chariot and cavalry took ages to do but it seems worth it once you finally finish. It will be fun to actually play a game with them.

  6. Nice brushwork Mike. If you are around at home over the Christmas break maybe we could have that catch up...? Best Andrew

    1. Thanks Andrew, yes we are around for Christmas, a catch up would be good.



  7. Fabulous looking chariot and cavalry,lovely work all round!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I hope you had a great Christmas!


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