Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Scouting Clash Dux Bellorum Game

Romano-British on the left, Saxons on the right

Both scouting forces advance

Saxon Ordinary Riders were the heroes of the game

The forces close on the two objectives - the hill and the building

Combat begins

Last Saturday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played the fourth game in our Dux Bellorum campaign, The Raiding Season, based on the Age of Arthur WAB supplement (pp. 133-135). Our last game was a draw so the scenario this time was The Scouting Clash (p.122) with slightly reduced forces, 24 points instead of the usual 32 points. I was the attacker this time and the objective for both sides was to seize control of the hill and building in the centre of the table.

As usual the game moved quickly and before long both scouting forces were slogging it out in the centre of the table with casualties mounting. My Romano-British Companions and Noble Riders, charged a single Saxon Ordinary Rider unit, who managed to survive multiple combats despite retreating. Eventually they succumbed, heroes to a man, but had tied up my two best units for most of the game. At this stage both sides had to test for morale with 50% casualties, three of my surviving units failed while the Saxons passed all tests. The result was the first Mighty Victory for the Saxons in the campaign.

Romano-British Companions and Noble Riders charge

The infantry slog it out in the centre

Saxon Ordinary Riders hang on for another turn

Casualties mount

Romano-British Ordinary Shieldwall fail their morale test


  1. Nice! Great how you can match up two different basing styles and have them work perfectly on table. Three cheers for MDF and those who do magic with it!

    1. Thanks Aaron, yes all the mdf and plastic movement trays available now make it really easy to play different rule sets with different base sizes.

  2. Lovely looking game and great looking figures,Ive made a start prepping figures for this period,yours are great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it is a great period to game and with DB you don't need really large forces. I want to finish painting my Irish.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Colin, DB is a lot of fun and probably my favourite set of rules. I'm finishing some more Assyrians at the moment for Chariots Rampant.


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