Tuesday, January 22, 2019

American Civil War Union Infantry (1)

Here is a Union infantry regiment, all Perry plastics from their first ACW infantry set. I painted most of these ages ago but have just added another four figure stand. The release of Rebels and Patriots skirmish rules by Michael Leck and Dan Mersey has got me inspired to paint more of the Perry plastics. The rules have twelve figure units for line infantry so these fellows will be two infantry companies. I've started on another Union regiment and these are well underway so that will give 24 points with four veteran line units. I have the same number of Confederate infantry undercoated and based for painting after that.

Today in the mail I got my copy of the Impetus 2 rules that I'd pre-ordered and a new Osprey, Roman Heavy Cavalry (1) Cataphractarii & Clibanarii, 1st Century BC- 5th Century AD, Both look really good, after a quick flick through the pages. Most of the photos in Impetus 2 are from Vinnie's blog, so if you follow his blog you know what to expect - he always has great looking games!


  1. Surprised to see ACW coming off your painting desk. Great work!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes the ACW is a bit of side line for me, I don't usually stray to far from ancients.

  2. Great looking ACW Union troops, Mike. There are quite a few folks in my area who are looking forward to Rebels & Pats. In fact, there are several games listed with these rules for our con in May. The GM's listed them before the rules officially came out!

    1. Thanks Dean, the Osprey rules often seem available before the release date, my order has already been sent but release date is 25th of January.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jay, I'm a big fan of Perry Miniatures.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, really looking forward to the Rebels and Patriots rules.

  5. Well that's a surprise! Very nice too and I'm sure we'll see some Impetus 2 games soon,I'm looking forward to them!
    Best Iain

    1. I've had Perry ACW plastics for ages but haven't got around to painting many, hopefully I'll get a few regiments done. I'm reading the Impetus 2 rules at the moment, so a game is definitely on the cards.


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