Friday, January 18, 2019


Here are some Franks that I've just finished painting for Basic Impetus which will bring my force up to strength. Apart from a spare Old Glory figure they're all Wargames Foundry figures sculpted by the Perrys. There has been a heatwave here in Australia this week and this is the third consecutive day of 40+ degrees celsius in Canberra. Some places have had temperatures of 47 or even 49 so it is not too bad really, but I do struggle painting when it's hot. We don't have air conditioning so I have purchased a little desk fan which seems to help and there's supposed to be cooler weather over the weekend. The beach, river or lake is the place to be in an Australian summer!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the Foundry Franks/Saxons are a great range.

  2. Lovely brushwork on some classic sculpts!

    1. Thanks Dean, looking forward to painting up some more of these.

  3. They look great! Rather you than me with that heat! Are you getting Impetus 2 now that its come out?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, yes the heat is a bit much, all you can do is go swimming. I have pre-ordered it but it will probably take a while to get here.


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