Friday, January 11, 2019

Command and Colors Napoleonics - Shevardino Redoubt 1812

View of the table from the Russian side

View from the French side

French advance

Doronino left and buildings of Shevardino right with Shevardino Redoubt centre

French attack Shevardino

Last Wednesday night Rick and I met down at the Vikings Club for the first club game of the New Year. We played a 6mm Command and Colors Napoleonics game with the scenario of Shevardino Redoubt fought on 5 September 1812, part of the Battle of Borodino. Rick commanded the French and I had the Russians. We took a fair while to set up so we reduced the number of victory banners from the usual ten to eight. It was a cracking game with considerable ebb and flow in fortunes from turn to turn but the Shevardino Redoubt proved to be a tough nut to crack. In the end the Russians just managed to pip the French at the post with 8-7 victory banners.

Russians counter attack

French capture Shevardino and Doronino but Shevardino Redoubt holds out

Russians are forced to retreat

Russian left flank has been quiet

French attack 

Russians counter attack and recapture Doronino in the centre


  1. Nice looking game,Mike. Only played C&C once,with Ancients. I'd be interested to see how it works for Napoleonics.

    1. Thanks Dean, we really like it, it is the same basic system as the Ancients game but with changes for Napoleonic armies and tactics. Infantry can form square when charged by cavalry, you can do combined arms attacks, your ability to fight is reduced as you lose casualties etc. There are about six games that cover various periods and armies of the Napoleonic Wars.

    2. Personally, I think CC Ancients is a superior game to CC Napoleonics but that is just me.

    3. I like CCA more as well but that maybe because I'm more interested in Ancients anyway. We played our first game of Tricorne recently and that was quite good. Looking forward to the release of Command and Colors Medieval this year,

  2. I really enjoy the look and play of CC in miniature. Your Napoleonic set up in 6mm looks fabulous. Can you provide details on your woods? The clumps of woods look fantastic and still allow room for troops. Sweet set up!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, all the armies, terrain and mat belong to Rick, I'll check with him about where the trees come from.

    2. Jonathan Rick said the trees are by GHQ, you get about a 100 for about $8 USD:

  3. Nice. That's the way to convert a Nap game to miniatures!

    1. Thanks Aaron, the 6mm is hard to beat for that massed effect.

  4. Battles in this scale looks really great and epic ;)

    1. Thanks Michal, 6mm is good for the epic look!

  5. Great looking massed effect game!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it is surprising how detailed 6mm actually is when you look at them closely, but definitely best for the massed effect.


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