Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Goth Cavalry

Here are some unarmoured Goth cavalry that I've just finished painting. Below are some armoured noble cavalry that I painted a while ago. All figures are by Footsore Miniatures with LBM shield transfers. Apart from Visigoths or Ostrogoths I also have quite a few painted Franks/Early Saxon infantry and will use these cavalry as part of the army, they're all Germanic tribes. I do have separate infantry for the Goths but haven't finished any yet apart from some skirmisher units of archers.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'll have to get cracking on the infantry.

  2. Great looking Goths on horses, Mike!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, I'm painting some Foundry Franks to use with these cavalry.

  4. Lovely looking Goths, footsore make nice figures and you've done a great job on these,any special reason for the paler colours?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I used my usual wash of AP Soft Tone on these figures it may be that or the photos could be a bit washed out when I edited them.


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