Thursday, February 7, 2019

American Civil War Union Infantry (2)

Here's another Perry ACW Union infantry regiment that I've just finished painting. I used a slightly different sky blue for the trousers, Foundry Union Trouser Blue 112B, instead of the Vallejo Sky Blue 70961, I used on my first regiment. There is only a subtle difference in the colour, there is more grey in the Foundry colour but I think it looks better. I also used a darker acrylic wash of Army Painter Strong Tone rather than the Soft Tone which I usually use. I have some Perry Confederate infantry to paint next but will try and finish some more ancients before then.


  1. They look great. What rules are you using?

    1. Thanks Andrew, for skirmish games we will use Rebels and Patriots and for larger games we've been using Black Powder but I'd like to try Regimental Fire and Fury.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the Perry plastic ACW are fun to paint.

  3. Great looking Union troops, Mike. I may be delving into this period with Rebels and Patriots too.

    1. Thanks Dean, good to hear, I've only played one game it was fun. I want to try for the Peninsular War.


Anglo-Saxon Thegns

  Here are some Anglo-Saxon Thegns that I've just finished painting. The figures are from the Gripping Beast plastic set with LBM shield...