Monday, February 4, 2019

Franks versus Patrician Romans Basic Impetus Game

Roman cavalry advances on the flanks

Roman horse archers and Illyrian cavalry

Roman cataphracts


Roman legionaries and archers

Last Sunday afternoon Andrew came over and we played an Early Franks versus Patrician Romans Basic Impetus game. He lives three doors up the road and we finally managed to get around to playing our first game. He has a lovely Patrician Roman/Late Roman army that he has painted, all Gripping Beast plastics and metals with some impressive conversions, especially his horse archers and Illyrian cavalry. Unfortunately the Franks didn't put up much of a fight and a couple of bad cohesion tests rolls later it was all over red rover! Still it was fun to get the figures out and hopefully the first, of many games to come.

Franks advance

Cataphracts retreat

Skirmishers are destroyed

Franks rout


  1. Thanks for the game Mike. It was great to get the Romans on the table for the first time. Impetus melee outcomes sure can be brutal and games can be decided with one turn of bad dice... Scary!

    1. Thanks Andrew, your army looked great. I don't like that aspect of the cohesion test roll especially for missile fire from skirmishers! I'm not sure if this is different in Impetus 2, I'll have to finish reading the rules.

  2. Great looking game with many beautiful minis!

    1. Thanks Michal, GB has some great Late Roman figures.

  3. Too bad about your Franks, Mike. Better luck next time. Game looks great.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes there is always next time!


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