Monday, February 25, 2019

Iberian Cavalry

Here are some armoured Ancient Spanish cavalry from the Victrix Miniatures plastic set Iberian Cavalry. They are great figures to paint, really detailed and easy to put together. The shield transfers are by Victrix as well. I tried to finish these for our recent Command and Colors Ancients game of the Battle of Ilipa but didn't quite get there in time.


  1. Outstanding work, Mike! Your last photo looks like a painting. Super photo!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I really like the Victrix figures but have so many unpainted metal ancient ranges that I don't buy them that often.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, they're always great to paint the Victrix figures.

  3. Those look amazing! I've seen them on their website and really like the details - your brushwork brought them to life.

    1. Thanks Dean, they are so detailed and easy to paint. I have some of their Gallic cavalry as well, I should get on to them soon.

  4. What wonderful figures,lovely painting,I hope they do some Napoleonic cavalry soon!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, Victrix make some great figures.They don't seem to have done any Napoleonics for a while, there is always the Perry and Warlord plastic cavalry which are excellent.

  5. I plan to paint these as Italian (non-Roman) cavalry. The pectoral armor matches the popular style during the Punic Wars era, and I can switch heads with other Victrix kits.

    1. That's on of the great things about plastics, all of the kit bashing possibilities...


Command and Colors Tricorne - Jacobite Rising - Killiecrankie 27 July 1689

  Initial deployment from the Jacobite side Opposite end from the British side Highlanders on the right flank British artillery fire to no e...