Monday, March 4, 2019

French Voltigeurs

Here are some skirmishing French Voltigeurs from the Perry plastics set, French Napoleonic Line Infantry 1812-1815, that I've just finished painting. I want to try a solo late Peninsular War scenario with the Rebels and Patriots rules and these skirmishers bring my French company up to 24 points. The French have two veteran line infantry units (6 points each), two line infantry units (4 points) and one unit of skirmishers who are Good Shooters (4 points).

The British are outnumbered nearly two to one but have two veteran line infantry units of KGL who are also Good Shooters and Aggressive (9 points each) and a unit of veteran skirmishers (95th rifles of course) who are Sharpshooters (8 points each). The scenario is pretty simple the British have to defend a bridge for six turns while the French have to try and take it. It should be fun to see how it works out and I'll post photos and a report soon.


  1. Good looking voltigeurs, Mike! How do you like the change of pace from painting Ancients?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, to be honest I struggle a bit with Napoleonics, they're pretty fiddly! I'm much more comfortable painting Ancients but it is good to try something new and it does get easier the more you do.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, I'm a big fan of the Perry plastics.

  3. Lovely looking voltigers! Can't beat Perry plastics!
    Best Iain

  4. Very nice! Some of my favorite figures!


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...