Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Early Imperial Roman Command 1

Here are some Early Imperial Roman command figures that I've just finished painting. These three figures are one sprue, from the new Victrix Early Imperial Roman Mounted Generals plastic set. These are great figures which made it record time from the UK. I think the mounted centurion is my favourite out of this lot. I have some Victrix EIR legionaries and auxiliaries to paint so hopefully the command will inspire me to get cracking on those.


  1. What a beautiful trio, splendid job!

    1. Thanks Phil, it's hard to go wrong with Victrux.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Andrew, Victrix have the best plastic ancients around in my opinion. Are your getting much painting done?

    2. No painting and no gaming. Work is crazy with lots if travel. Don't see much happening for a while. I have been tempted to pick up a few things but have decided to leave it as the lead mountain is large and no progress us being made... So no point in making it even bigger!

    3. That's no good Andrew, I hope things ease up at work for you. I have ridiculous amounts myself that I'll probably never get around to painting...

  3. Nice looking Roman command! Victoria are really raising the bar on ancient plastics,very tempting! Lovely painting!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I find them hard to resist as you say the detail is on another level.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'll have to get on to the Victrix legionaries and auxiliaries.

  5. Well done. Give yourself three pats on your back!

  6. umm hmm..I thought I posted a comment this morning my time zone..oh well..try again ;o)

    lovely figures and work Mike, well done Sir!

    1. Thanks Phil, I have the same problem sometimes with comments and have to repost them - annoying!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the old EIR are always popular.


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