Thursday, June 6, 2019


Here are some Gripping Beast Huns. The noble cavalry I painted ages ago but the horse archers are all recent. I have heaps of Wargames Foundry Huns to paint for this army. Aventine and Footsore both have really nice Hun/Steppe Nomad ranges. I may have mentioned this before, but I really like steppe nomad horse archer armies and have Scythians, Parthians, Sassanids, Huns, Seljuks and Mongols.


  1. Nice horsemen! After having played a few games of Commands & Colors Medieval, I am tempted to start a new project in this period. The temptations never end...

    1. Thanks Jonathan, sounds like the Huns were unstoppable in your CCM games. They're are some really nice Hun ranges around now. I'm still waiting for my copy of CCM to ship - GMT Games are hopeless!

    2. I ordered my copy a few years ago under P500 pre order system which is crazy..long wait for my CCMedieval to final arrive, worth the wait?...shaking my head with disbelief regarding to the P500 - as you know 500 copies of a game must pre order before any printing of a game starts amazing!...

    3. Same here Phil,I've been waiting years for it to be released. I'm a big fan of CCA so hopefully it will be worth the wait when I finally get it. Future expansions should be interesting as well.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, looking forward to painting some of the Foundry Huns.

  3. Great looking Huns! Your much more dedicated than I am I'm pretty sure I'd just have a generic swarm of mounted archers to cover all periods!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, more crazy rather than dedicated but they are all different in appearance and stirrups came in with the Avars, in the sixth century I think.

  4. lovely looking Huns!...
    The iron stirrup came to Europe only with the invading Avars in the second half of the sixth century.


    1. Thanks Phil, yes that's what I thought. Aventine and OG have Avar figures but I have more than enough other figures to being going on with.


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