Monday, December 9, 2019

Spartans versus Athenians ADLG Game

View of the table from the Spartan lines

Side view

Both sides advance

Athenians and allies right flank

Athenians and allies centre

Spartans and allies right flank

Spartan centre

Spartans and allies left flank

Left flank charges

Spartans close in the centre

Last Sunday Craig, Garry, Rick, Gary and I met down at the Vikings Club and played a 200 point Spartans versus Athenians ADLG game. Craig and Garry commanded the Athenians and allies, while Rick and I commanded the Spartans and allies and Gary sat out the game as a spectator due to potential work commitments. This turned out to be a real thrashing for the Spartans due to consistently bad dice rolling and the Athenians suffered very few casualties at all.

Spartan right flank takes casualties from archers

Side view of the battle

Action in the centre

Athenian pig in a poke

Spartan left flank and centre

Spartan right flank starts to crumble 

Casualties mount in the centre

Athenian cavalry threaten the Spartan left flank

It's only a matter of time...

Spartan centre collapses


  1. Lovely looking game, even if it didn't go you're way,are they potentially flaming pigs?!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, the Spartans certainly got hammered. I think they forgot the camp, so used some pigs and their herders instead.

  2. Fine looking battle. Was the Athenian victory solely luck driven?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, probably not solely but in ADLG there is not many modifiers so it does resolve individual unit combat.

  3. What a great looking game......poor Spartans!

  4. Beautiful figures and grand scale battle lines.

    1. Thanks Dean, the Spartans looked good even if they didn't perform.

  5. Nice to see some phalanx action on the table. Good looking armies, too!

    1. Thanks FMB it was good to get the hoplites out but not such a great result for the Spartans!


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