Saturday, December 21, 2019

Goth Noble Cavalry

I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy gaming, painting and blogging for 2020! Here are some Goth Noble cavalry with LBM shield transfers from the Gripping Beast plastic set. This is basically the same set as the Late Roman Heavy Cavalry one with different head and helmet options. I've gone with dry, burnt grass basing on these figures as I want to use them as Vandals in North Africa as well.

I backed the Kickstarter for Clash of Spears, a new set of ancient skirmish rules and today received an advanced pdf copy of the rules. The hard copy is suppose to be released in February next year. I'm looking forward to reading and trying these out. First impression it looks to be a really nice set, 156 pages, lavishly produced with great photos and illustrations, it reminds me of the old WAB supplements.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, I quite like the GB plastics.

  2. Merry Christmas, Mike! Great job on the cavalry.

  3. Terrific unit. I'm yet to be converted to plastics, but these results are starting to sway me.

    1. Thanks Guido, I really like them and for some strange reason find them easier to prep and paint than metal figures. The GB plastics are good but the Victrix and Perry are the nicest around in my opinion.

  4. Great looking goth cavalry! I've got the late Roman set waiting to be assembled, I hope they come out half as well as these!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, they paint up well the GB plastics.


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