Saturday, December 28, 2019

Village Raid Dux Bellorum Game

Visigoths defending the village

Saxon right flank and centre

Saxon left flank

Saxon skirmishers and cavalry

Saxons advance on the village

Saxon fanatics (Footsore Attecotti)

On Saturday afternoon Craig and I played a Dux Bellorum game with the Village Raid scenario. My Visigoths defended a village against Craig's Saxons attackers. The Saxon attack faltered early on when their left flank crumbled. They pressed home in the centre and on the right and routed two units of Visigoth cavalry but suffered further casualties were unable to pass their 50% casualties break test.

Earlier on Boxing Day we played a Samnite versus Republican Roman 900 point, Clash of Spears game (see photo at the bottom of the post). This was pretty disappointing, not much chop at all, very WAB like and fiddly. Craig thought they've overcooked the command and control as there seemed to be more counters than figures on the table.

Visigoth infantry charge on the right flank

Saxon left flank crumbles

The centre gets messy

Visigoth cavalry are charged in the flank

Saxons fail test for 50% casualties

Visigoths repel the Saxon attack

Samnite vs Republican Romans Clash of Spears game


Norse versus Irish Midgard Games

  Irish and Norse deployed Game One View from the Norse side Norse attackers and Irish defenders advance Irish light riders scout ahead Bond...