Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Carthaginian Elephant and Libyan Javelinmen

Happy 2020 to everyone!

Here are a Carthaginian elephant and crew by Xyston Miniatures and some Libyan javelinmen by Corvus Belli, that I've just finished painting. These are the start of a Later Carthaginian DBA army.

It has been a grim start to the New Year here with catastrophic bush fires along the coast of NSW and Victoria. There has has been significant loss of life and property and there has been almost constant smoke from the fires here in Canberra over the last four weeks with many roads and areas closed. Here's hoping for better and cooler weather over the summer!


  1. Nice work on the elephant and Libyans!

    Best wishes on escaping your natural disaster that is plaguing the region.

    Still, Happy New Year to you!

  2. Thanks Jonathan, Happy New Year to you too!

  3. Excellent work as always! Happy New Year!

  4. Wow, lovely figures! And Happy new year!

  5. Nice work, always love an elephant! Stay safe and happy new year!
    Best Iain

  6. Happy New Year Mick, all the best for 2020.

    It has been very distressing watching from France our families and friends under threat back in Australia. I do hope rain comes in summer and ends the drought on the east coast.

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Thanks Matt, Happy New Year!

      It has been horrendous but at least there has been rain today and the weather has cooled down.

  7. Great looking figures as always!


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