Saturday, January 18, 2020

Sea People versus New Kingdom Egyptians Chariots Rampant Game

Egyptians left, Sea People right

Some advance, some are inactive

Libyan archers

Lukka warriors

Pelset archers & ox cart, Lukka chariots

The forces close

Egyptian skirmishers bravely advance

The Lukka attack in the centre

Egyptian chariots on the left flank

Egyptian mace/axemen retreat

Yesterday afternoon out in the shed, I played a solo Chariots Rampant game with Sea People versus New Kingdom Egyptians. This is the first game I've played out in the shed since our home renovations were finished. Both sides had 48 point forces and the scenario was the usual Bloodbath one, with Sea People raiders trying to capture a village while the Egyptians defended it. The game was a lot of fun and proved to be level pegging most of the way. The Egyptian leader was killed by lucky blows and a few turns later the same fate befell the Sea People leader. In the end it was a bloody draw with both sides suffering heavy casualties.

Shosu warriors attack the Sherden

The Sherden rout!

Pelset chariots attack in desperation, Egyptians counter charge

Pelset warriors have another crack

Egyptian leader is killed by lucky blows, the chariots suffer further casualties

Pelset archers and ox cart

Teresh skirmishers backed by Sherden warriors

The last hurrah for the Pelset chariots

The Egyptian chariots prevail on the left flank

Egyptian archers finish off the Lukka chariots

End of game - a bloody draw!


  1. Nice mate,

    I do like biblical armies, and remember fondly my Babylonian and Armorite WAB armies


    1. Thanks Matt, I remember that army. I have some Amorites too mainly Warlord/Cutting Edge with some Castway Arts figures.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Dean, I do enjoy a good biblical bash!

  3. A lovely sized encounter, I do like the chariot armies.

    1. Thanks Norm, the Bronze Age is definitely one of my favourite periods.

  4. Nice painting. Well done for calling out that parasite on TMP. I have never seen him post anything he has done himself. Why not complain to Bill?

    1. Thanks Khusru, yeah he's a pain, spamming all the message boards and posting other people's content all the time. I think people have complained in the past and tried to have him banned but Bill's response was he hasn't broken any TMP rules.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, NKE and Sea People games are a lot of fun.

  6. Lovely looking chariots,great looking biblical armies!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was fun to get them out for a game.

  7. Just found your blog, great post. I am building my own forces and this post is a great source of inspiration. Thanks for posting.

    1. Thanks Stu, sorry I missed your comment from last year. Just about to have another game of this Libyans vs NKE.


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