Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Amorite Kingdoms - Ba'irum

From the Satrap Miniatures archives of December 2014, here are some Amorite Kingdoms troops from the time of King Hammurabi of Babylon (1792-1750 BC). They are ba'irum  armed with axe and bow. To quote The Armies of the Ancient Near East 3,000 BC to 539 BC by Nigel Stillman and Nigel Tallis (p.21):

An interesting troop-type, which appears to have been considered essential to take on campaign (Shamsi-Adad once reprimanded Yasmakh-Adad for neglecting to mobilise them) were the ba'irumThe term is derived from the word 'to hunt' (like the Napoleonic 'chasseur' and 'jaeger'), and their principal weapon was an axe.

These figures are Cutting Edge Miniatures distributed by Warlord Games.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, I haven't done too much with my Amorite Kingdoms armies, they've been stuck in the lead pile for quite a while!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the Cutting Edge Bronze Age ranges are excellent.

  3. Those bearded archers look great!

    1. Thanks Dean, I'd like to try painting some of the Martu Bedouin nomads they have really colourful and intricate tunics.

  4. Lovely archers, always glad to see this kind of ancient unit...Great job!

    1. Thanks Phil, I have some chariots as well that I have painted but haven't done much with them for quite a while.

  5. Great looking Amorites! Very nice!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, getting enough painted for a game is the next step.


Anglo-Saxon Thegns

  Here are some Anglo-Saxon Thegns that I've just finished painting. The figures are from the Gripping Beast plastic set with LBM shield...