Thursday, February 13, 2020

Hitties versus New Kingdom Egyptians DBA Game

Hitties deployed

New Kingdom Egyptians deployed

Both sides advance

Last Wednesday night down at the Vikings Club in Lanyon, Rick and I met and played a DBA game of Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians. Rick had the Hittites and was the attacker, while I had the New Kingdom Egyptians and was the defender. This turned out to be pretty slow going as we bumbled our way through the game, it was Rick's first game of DBA 3.0 and my second, although we both had played DBA 2.2 years ago. Much of our game seem to involve indecisive combat and recoils with nothing much happening until two ranks of Hittite 3 Pk (they used to be Sp under 2.2) destroyed a Libyan warband. In the end we ran out of time. We were missing some basic DBA tactics, in 2.2 I seem to remember flank support was crucial, but this has changed. So further reading of the rules, and the QRS is obviously required.

Chariots in combat

Chariots recoil

Libyan warband is destroyed


  1. Looks great, love this period!

  2. Nice to see your New kingdom Egyptians out and about, it's a pity the game was a bit flat!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it wasn't the most inspiring game but we don't know the rules very well.

  3. Good to see these classic armies out for battle. Maybe go back to Impetvs?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, they are classic armies. I've tried BI but prefer ADLG and have high hopes for MeG, always searching...

    2. Have you tried To the Strongest yet?

    3. Not yet Jonathan but my mate Rick is quite keen on For King and Parliament, so might try that soon.


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