Monday, February 17, 2020

Early Achaemenid Persian Sparabara and Archers

1st Corps Miniatures

Wargames Factory

Here are some new photos of old figures, various units of Early Achaemenid Persian Sparabara and archers. I'm really looking forward to the release of the Wargames Atlantic and Victrix Persians and already have some of the brilliant Xyston 15mm Early Persian range to paint. So many choices! The Early Persians don't usually do that well under most rule sets, but I found it interesting that both first and second place in the European Mortem et Gloriam championship were Early Persian armies.

Old Glory and Vendel Miniatures

Old Glory, Vendel and Wargames Factory


  1. Which are your favorite Persians in 28mm? Asking for a friend...

    1. It depends on the scale, plastic or metal, Early or Late Persians but the Xyston ranges are probably the best - most detailed and most comprehensive ranges around in my opinion.

  2. Lovely looking range of early Persians!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I should get on to my Xyston figures.

  3. Taking a dive in early Persians and I'm very inspired by your work. Nicely done!


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