Saturday, February 1, 2020

Early and Late Achaemenid Persians

Vendel Egyptian Marines

Minifig & Newline Persian Slingers

Vendel & Old Glory Persian Sparabara & Archers

Greenwood & Ball Persian Immortals

Here are some old pics of my Early and Late Achaemenid Persians that I had on my old blog Satrap Miniatures. I found them while searching through my old photos and cleaning up my hard drive. I have heaps of old photos stretching back to 2011 and earlier, so will post some of these as the clean up continues!

Hinchliffe Cardaces

Mixed bag of Persian Cavalry

Old Glory, Vendel & Tin Soldier Persian Heavy Cavalry 

Old Glory, Essex, Foundry, Newline & Tin Soldier Persian Heavy Cavalry 


  1. Very neat to see old photos of your armies. I really like the Egyptian marines in the long skirts. I have not seen Egyptians in that garb. What period are the Egyptians?

  2. Thanks Jonathan, they date to Xerxes invasion of Greece in 480 BC. A great book to get is Duncan Head's Montvert book The Achaemenid Persian Army. Xyston do some in 15mm and they have best Early and Late Achaemenid Persian ranges around in my opinion.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it's a motley old collection of Persians.

  4. Your Persians are just awesome, wonderful work, love these subtile yellow shades...

    1. Thanks Phil, I'm looking forward to the release of the Atlantic and Victrix plastic Persians.

  5. Excellent mate, the collection is coming along nicely


    1. Thanks Matt, these are old figures I painted years ago, the Persians are still one of my favourite armies, although they're rubbish under most rules.

  6. Wow - those are all beautifully painted, Mike. I've hesitated in the past about Persians, but yours make a fine case to build an army of them. I particularly like the hooded slingers.

    1. Thanks Dean, they're such a colourful army. The Atlantic and Victrix plastic Persians will be released in the next few months, perfect time to get some!

  7. Great looking Persian force!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I have early and late Persians in 28mm and 15mm, definitely a favourite army!


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