Monday, March 9, 2020

Hittites versus New Kingdom Egyptians Mortem et Gloriam Game

View of the table from the Hittite side

From the Egyptian side

NKE close fighters & archers, Lukka & Sherden

NKE Chariots and Nubian skirmishers

Hittite left flank

Last Sunday Garry and I met down at the Vikings Club in Lanyon, for a 3500 points Pacto (small) game of Mortem et Gloriam (MeG). We diced for sides and I got the New Kingdom Egyptians, and Garry, the Hittites. The Hittite attackers were out scouted, so deployed part of their force first. It was Garry first game and only my third game so we were fairly slow working things out. Both armies advance cautiously and then the Hittite infantry charged in the centre and the  Hittite chariots charged the NKE chariots on their left flank. The NKE archers and chariots were ineffective with their shooting and before long were suffering at the hands of the Hittites in combat.

The NKE chariots on the right flank were destroyed and their commander killed in combat. On the NKE left flank the chariots charged the Hittite skirmishers who skirmished in response and easily got away. In the centre casualties were mounting for the NKE, a commander was killed and a Kill a Base (morale) test saw further wounds inflicted. Only the Sherden and Lukka put up much resistance and the Hittites did lose the odd base and a commander. It was all over for the NKE as it was only a matter of time before both centre commands routed.

Hittite right flank and centre

NKE left flank and centre

Hittite infantry advance

The armies close

Hittite infantry in the centre charge

NKE infantry suffer in combat

Casualties mount for the NKE


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the NKE didn't put up much of a fight but it was good to get the figures out.

  2. Looks great, awesome armies!

    1. Thanks Phil, it was good to give the armies a run.

  3. Nice looking battle, I have not heard of these rules before, but then I have no Ancient armies so perhaps that's not surprising

    1. Thanks rross, they were self published by the author in 2016, a Compendium of the rules is to be released at Salute in April this year.

  4. Two lovely looking armies, no matter the result!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain and Jonathan, they're fun armies to game with and we're still learning the rules.

  5. Wonderful toops as always, Mike. First I've heard of these rules.

    1. Thanks Dean, they came out in 2016, the author was involved in FoG, a Compendium of the rules will be released in April at Salute.

  6. Nice spread and the miniatures look great. I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon... as a hobbyist that is.


    1. Thanks Kevin, I always enjoy our Bronze Age games.


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