Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Battle of Cunaxa 401 BC - Command and Colors Ancients Game

Artaxerxes army on the left, Cyrus' army on the right

Opposite end with the Euphrates River

Tissaphernes with his cavalry on Artaxerxes' left flank

Artaxerxes' Scythed Chariots left flank

Artaxerxes' right flank

Artaxerxes' Scythed Chariots right flank

Cyrus' smaller army deployed

Greek Mercenaries under Clearchus

Here's another post from the archives, a Command and Colors Ancients game of the Battle of Cunaxa, we played about five years ago. This was a cracking game that went right down to the wire, with the result decided with the final dice throw! Both Artaxerxes and Cyrus were killed, with Cyrus' forces winning 7-6 victory points. Interestingly the Greek hoplites, the Ten Thousand of Xenophon's Anabasis, were not particularly decisive in this game.

Cyrus and Companions in the centre

Artaxerxes' right flank

Cavalry combat Artaxerxes' right flank

Cyrus' forces are looking ragged

Action on Cyrus' right flank

Casualties mount

It's level pegging

Both generals are killed and Artaxerxes' army loses on the final dice throw!


  1. Even if a repeat from the archives, well worth a re-run.
    Your CCA games in 28mm are outstanding displays!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, this Cunaxa game was great fun and so close.

  2. Impressive gaming and beautifully painted figures as always. I must admit, although a Greco-phile, I am quite smitten by the wonderfully painted Persians you have here.

    1. Thanks Dean, Garry has some very nice Battle Standard Persians. It's a good time to collect Persians with the Wargames Atlantic and Victrix plastic sets coming out.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the CCA games are a lot of fun.

  4. A wonderful looking game, (except for the generals!), splendid armies...

    1. Thanks Phil, yes it would have been every Satrap for themselves...

  5. Stunning looking Greeks and Persians!
    Best Iain

  6. So I get online to have a quick read before bed and I see this and start beating my chest! Yes a C&CA game! Five years ago or not, it’s excellent for the body and soul to have a distraction from real world. Thanks for posting. I may go to this earlier time period since I have some Greeks already, and as you say Victrix is finally coming out with Persians.


    1. No worries Kevin glad you enjoyed it, I have heaps of old photos from my old Satrap Miniatures blog. Greek vs Persians is a classic match up and there are heaps of CCA scenarios for this. The Wargames Atlantic Persians are shipping too right now with Victrix to come.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...