Friday, May 8, 2020

Sea Peoples' Chariots and Median Guardsmen WIP

Here's another post from the archives, two Sea People chariots, by Cutting Edge Miniatures/Warlord Games. The first one is Pelset, the crew have crested helmets, and they eventually settled in modern Israel and became the Philistines. The other are Lukka (Lycians) with horned helmets.

I've also included a work in progress shot of some Median Guardsmen from the new Wargames Atlantic plastic Persian infantry set, at the end of the post. I initially ordered a single box of these but then ordered a further two as you're able to make a twenty four figure Immortal unit in campaign dress (they are only eight torsos with scale armour in a box). The best and most accurate early Persian range around is still the Xyston 15mm one, but this set gives a lot of variety with head options and is particularly good for early Persian sparabara and archers (you can even do Assyrians). I'm planning on further units of Immortals, Kissians, Iranians and Persians/Medes.


  1. Oh, I really enjoy seeing chariots, Mike! I am working on some Hittite chariots, myself.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'm doing some 15mm Hittites as well at the moment, I look forward to your efforts.

  2. Beautifully painted and photographed Sea People's chariots, Mike!

  3. Fabulous Mick, they look great


    1. Thanks Matt, very colourful the Sea People.

  4. Wow, lovely chariots and promising new units!

    1. Thanks Phil, I got quite excited about the new Persians.

  5. Nice work on the chariots. Another period I haven't ventured into.
    The plastic Persians look great. How does Wargames Atlantic compare to the others?

    1. Thanks Guido, they're excellent figures, not as good probably as Victirix but comparable with most other plastic sets like Warlord and GB.

  6. Great looking chariots and the Persian set sounds very useful over a long period, when I'm able to spend some money on the hobby again I'm planning on getting at least one of the dark age Irish sets from wargames Atlantic, so this information is really helpful !
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, they're excellent figures, I was tempted by the Irish set but have plenty of metal figures to finish.


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