Friday, June 12, 2020

Celt Command

Here's a Celt command stand that I've just finished painting. The chieftain and carynx player are by Renegade Miniatures, the standard bearer by Gripping Beast and the druid with the head collection by Victrix Miniatures. I really like the Renegade Miniatures figures, cricket bat swords not withstanding. They are big, chunky and easy to paint and make a nice change from all the Warlord plastic Celts with manic poses, that are hard to rank up. I have a couple more Renegade warbands to paint as well as a cavalry unit and some of their chariots.


Hittite vs New Kingdom Egyptians ADLG Game

  Hittites and Egyptians deployed Opposite end Hittite left flank Hittite right flank Egyptian left flank Egyptian right flank Armies close ...