Sunday, June 28, 2020

Scythian Noble Cavalry 1

Here are some Scythian noble cavalry that I've just finished painting. The front rank are Wargames Foundry and the back rank are Tin Soldier. The Tin Soldier figures are a bit crude and chunky compared to the Perry Foundry figures but have some nice poses. I have another batch of these I'm painting at the moment. On the positive side many of the Tin Soldier Scythian noble figures are based on the Angus McBride illustrations in EV Cernenko's Osprey book The Scythians 700-300BC which makes painting them easier. On the negative side six of these figures had air pockets in the castings which required filling with green stuff, pretty annoying!

If you're interested in the Scythians, there are two highly recommended recently released books, one is Scythians warriors of ancient Siberia edited by St John Simpson and Svetlana Pankova which is actually the book of the exhibition held at the British Museum in 2017/18. The other is The Scythians Nomad Warriors of the Steppes by Barry Cunliffe. Both books are beautifully illustrated but have excellent text as well, well worth reading cover to cover.


  1. Lovely looking Scythians. Really colourful and each one an individual. Did you use the books to inspire your painting, or just go with your own colour combinations?

    1. Thanks James, I definitely use the books mainly but some times just go with good colour combinations. It is hard to do them justice as the nobles were so highly decorated.

  2. They turned out well! Don't often see Scythians, nice treat.

    1. Thanks fmb, as usual trying to get enough painted for a game! Xyston have a nice 15mm range of Scythians.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, it will be interesting to see how they fare against the Assyrians in a game.

  4. Is the rider in light gray a female rider? I've heard that women participated but can't remember where I read that and what nomadic tribe.


    1. It is Kevin Foundry have a pack of female riders. Herodotus talks about Amazons and says that in the Sauromatae women fought and were unable to marry until they'd killed a man in battle.

  5. Great looking Scythians, Mike. Some of my favorite Ancient troops. Love how they incorporated various weapons and armor from contact with other Ancients.

    1. Thanks Dean, it's fascinating the waves of steppe nomads and their adoption of weapons and armour. Amazing what has survived in thousands of burials!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, they fun to paint so colourful and decorated.

  7. Awesome Scythians, cracking job on them!

    1. Thanks Phil, hopefully I will have enough painted figures for a game soon.


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