Saturday, July 4, 2020

Hittite Reinforcements

Here are some reinforcements for my 15mm Hittites, they are a mix of ranges, mainly Gladiator Games (formerly Black Hat Miniatures), chunky little figures with a lot of character. I repainted all the bases of my painted figures to a sandy desert colour to match my New Kingdom Egyptians. I've just started using Gamers Grass Tiny Tufts for my 15mm bases and not only are they are a perfect size, but they're really tacky like Leadbear's Tufts, you don't even need to use PVA to glue them on, and they're good value too, you get 500 in a pack.

Earlier in the week I got my Mortem et Gloriam (MeG) preorders in the mail, including the MeG Compendium. I was pleased to see that a photo of my 15mm Hittites made it to print in the rules (p.197) but I'm not too sure about the caption, "Trojans before the Walls of Troy"! This is the photo below, the back drop part is inside the reconstructed walls at Hattusa, the ancient Hittite capital, (modern Bogazkale, formerly Bogazkoy). The other photos above have a back drop that shows the outside of a reconstructed tower and the walls.


  1. My god those are tiny. When I was younger I did nothing but 15’s and said only old dudes paint 28’s. Now I am doing 28’s having become an old dude and now completely understand why they painted 28’s.

    Those look nice but Lordy lord I could not paint them even with a magnifying glass.

    1. It's amazing how declining eyesight changes your perspective Kevin. I have to use 3 x actual size glasses to paint anything now, I started using an Optivisor...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, the Hittites are a definite favourite.

  3. Gorgeous infantry and chariots!

    1. Thanks Phil, I have more 15mm reinforcements for my NKE.

  4. Great looking Hittites in 15mm, Mike. Congrats on the photo in the rules. I suppose some would argue Hittites could be Trojans.

    1. Thanks Dean, some would but they're pretty different in appearance, not that it matters.

  5. Beautiful painting! they looking great in front of that walls!

    1. Thanks Biblicrafts, I usually stick with 28mm with my old eyes but have quite a few Bronze Age 15mm figures to paint.

  6. Lovely looking Hittites! I couldn't paint smaller than 28mm, your a better man than I am!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, 15mm are hard work with old eyes but there's less detail and definite advantages in terms of storage and transportation.


Dark Age Irish and Norse Gael Warriors

  Here are some Dark Age or Early Medieval Irish and Norse Gael/Hiberno Norse warriors. Figures are by Gripping Beast and Crusader Miniature...