Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dacians versus Early Imperial Romans Mortem et Gloriam Game


Armies deployed from the Dacian side

Dacian hordes!

Roman camp

Dacian left flank

Roman left flank and centre advances

Sarmatian lancers

Roman centre

Dacians charge Roman right flank

Roman left flank and centre

Last Tuesday afternoon Garry and I went over to Craig's place and we played a 8000 point Magna Mortem et Gloriam (MeG) game, with his Dacians taking on our Early Imperial Romans. It was a pretty big game and Garry had a hard time fitting all his troops on the table edge. We were pretty slow playing this, it was only Garry's second game, there were various distractions including visitors and neither of us are exactly experts on the rules anyway. The Dacian falx men charged the Roman right flank and soon the entire Roman army was engaged in combat. A highlight on the Roman left flank was when the Roman auxiliary cavalry broke the Sarmatian lancers. In the end we ran out of time and the game was a draw with both sides level pegging in broken units and casualties.

Roman left flank and centre again

View of the battle from the Roman camp

Roman right flank in combat 

Roman army is fully engaged

Sarmatian lancers break

Roman auxilia break


  1. Thanks Michal, it was a pity we didn't have time to finish it.

  2. A beautiful looking game, lovely armies!

    1. Thanks Phil, we will have to try for a rematch.

  3. Great looking game! The Roman camp looks ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was a fair bit of work to make but it does get a fair bit of use.

  4. 8,000 points? Who comes up with these point systems, gads.

    Seriously though the table and troops look great. Jealous I don't have anything going yet to even remotely have a small skirmish battle. A definite bucket list item.


    1. Thanks Kevin, the MeG rules are very much designed for 15mm competitions, this is a medium sized game, you need 70-100 bases a side for Maximus.

  5. Your ancients battles are always wargaming spectacles. Great Job!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, it was quite a big game and we actually needed a bigger table.


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