Sunday, September 27, 2020

Men-at-Arms and Hand Gunners


Here are some Men-at-Arms and hand gunners for the War of the Roses that I've just finished painting. Most of the Men-at-Arms are Old Glory and were painted a while ago but I've added a few Front Rank figures to the unit to bring them up to strength. The standard is from a Perry box set and is of John Howard the Duke of Norfolk, who led the Yorkist vanguard at the Battle of Bosworth and died there. The hand gunners are all Front Rank figures, they're Burgundian mercenaries but I haven't painted any livery badges on them. I bought these Front Rank and Old Glory War of the Roses figures years ago before the Perry range came out but have since bought many boxes of the Perrys. There's plenty of painting to do for both armies but the plan is to get enough units painted for Never Mind the Billhooks games as a starting point.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil, Front Rank make some great figures.

  2. Excellent! There seems to be a WotR craze of late.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I think the Never Mind the Billhooks rules have got a lot of people inspired.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, I'll have to get going on some Perry figures as well.

  4. The old Glory and front rank figures both look great! Nice building too!
    Best Iain


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