Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Never Mind the Billhooks Game Two


Yorkist force

Lancastrians advance

Side view of the table

Hand gunners shoot

Men-at-Arms as billmen

On Tuesday morning Craig came over and we played the last of our mid-week games before he goes back to work. This was a Never Mind the Billhooks game of 65 points with two commanders a side. Craig had a Yorkist force with two units of archers, one unit of men-at arms and one of billmen. I had a Lancastrian force with two units of veteran archers, two billmen (I used men-at-arms as I haven't finished painting my billmen yet) and a skirmisher unit of hand gunners. 

We advanced to within firing range, exchanged shooting, then a Yorkist billmen charged my archer and billmen block on the right flank. The melee continued into a second round until the Yorkist billmen broke with their commander. A Yorkist archer unit also broke after failing their morale crisis test. We continued playing and the Yorkist men-at-arms with their Commander-in-Chief charged again and in the subsequent duel the Lancastrian Commander-in-Chief was killed. Rereading the rules I think the game was already decided, as the Yorkists had already lost four army morale tokens and had none left, but it was all good fun. Look forward to the next game!

Yorkist billmen charge

Billmen slog it out

Archers exchange fire

Yorkist billmen and archers break

The duel


  1. Wow this looks way cool. A friend just mentioned these rules to me the other day, that they came free in September’s (?) Wargames Illustrated, and this was perfect timing to post. Thanks.


    1. It's a great period Kevin and a really fun set of rules. We all liked it so much we ordered the cards. A box or two of the Perry WotR plastics and you're away.

  2. Nice looking game...and beautiful armies!

  3. Great looking game as always, nice command stands!
    Best Iain

  4. Great gaming with great looking figures, Mike!

    1. Thanks Dean, they're a really fun set of rules.


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