Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Normans versus Anglo-Danes Mortem et Gloriam Game


View of the table from the Norman side

Anglo-Danes deployed in favourable terrain with both flanks protected

Armies advance

Norman and Breton Milites charge on the right flank

Left flank and centre closes

Last Tuesday afternoon I went over to Craig's place and we played a Pacto (small) sized game of Mortem et Gloriam with my Normans taking on his Anglo-Danes. Craig had carefully set the terrain to protect his flanks and I foolishly opted for a straight ahead attack with my Norman and Breton Milites. After some initial success the Normans soon ground to a halt against the Anglo-Danish shieldwall. The Anglo-Danish huscarls proved to be unstoppable in combat. In the end the Anglo-Danes won convincingly with 15-10 victory points, but not without a few anxious Kill a Base (KaB) tests.

Action on the Norman right flank

Charges on the left and in the centre

Norman casualties mount with left flank destroyed 

Anglo-Danish Huscarls prove unstoppable

Normans are broken


  1. One of my first forays into miniatures as a kid was this very period using the rules Universal Soldier from Ral Partha. Played many a games with the boys from Canada (Ral Partha reps) when they put on games at our Michigan conventions. Memories I shall treasure forever. I still have the rules tucked safely away for nostalgia reasons.

    Huscarls rule!


    1. Thanks Kevin, they sure do, they certainly sorted out my Normans in this game. Hopefully we will play a Viking vs Anglo-Danes game soon.

  2. Super looking armies, Mike! You sure are getting in a lot of these games. Has this become your favorite ancients ruleset?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes Craig is on leave at the moment so we're trying to squeeze in a few games before he goes back to work. It has at the moment for sure.

  3. great stuff Mike,

    looks really good, a long time since I have seen them on the table. Say hello to Craig when you see him next for me.

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Thanks Matt, will do, we might have another game next week.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, the huscarls are pretty tough in the MeG lists.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, hopefully the Normans will do better next time.

  6. Great looking game, pity about the result but nice just to have a game these days!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, that's exactly right it's nice to have a game with an actual opponent.

  7. Wonderful gaming as always, Mike. Brings back fond memories for me as some of the first wargames I played were in this period - with WAB.

    1. Thanks Dean, my Normans started out as a WAB army, it's been a while since I got them out for a game.


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