Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Battle of Cannae 216 BC - Command and Colors Ancients


Armies deployed, view from the Roman side

View from the Carthaginian side

Spanish and Gallic cavalry under Hasdrubal

Last Tuesday afternoon Rick came over to my place with his 6mm armies and we played a Command and Colors Ancients (CCA) game out in the shed. The scenario was the Battle of Cannae, we diced for sides and I got the Romans. The single base of figures on the five inch hexes looked a bit strange, but Rick didn't quite have enough figures to double the unit sizes which would have looked a lot better.

This was a very quick and one sided game with most of the action taking place on the two flanks. The Spanish and Gallic cavalry under Hasdrubal were particularly effective and really hammered the Roman Hastati. Rick's dice rolling was on fire and he wiped out entire units with four hits on at least three occasions. No surprises then that Carthaginians scored a massive victory with 7-2 victory points.

Numidian light cavalry

Action on the Roman left flank

Hasdrubal's cavalry hammer the Roman Hastati

Roman cavalry, the final unit destroyed


  1. Your Cannae battle looks terrific, Mike! With 7-2 Hannibal, that is an impressive victory.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes the Romans were totally slaughtered!

  2. The close up of the figures look really good. Too bad he didn’t have enough troops to double up, that would have showed off the advantage of scale. But still looks lovely. I went from 28’s to 6’s, to 28’s as I just ordered some Carthaginian troops from Victrix. I take your posting as a positive omen!


    1. Thanks Kevin, the hexes were too big for the unit sizes, it would have worked better with just the standard board game board. I don't have any 6mm myself, prefer 28mm and 15mm but they do look good for a massed effect. The Victrix figures are fantastic, you can't go wrong there!

  3. A great looking game for a famous battle, superb!

    1. Thanks Phil, the Romans didn't put up much resistance in our game.

  4. Love the mat, Mike. Is that bought or home-made?

    1. Thanks Aaron, it is a Hotz mat. I actually just ordered a Deep Cut Studio mat for Command and Colors Medieval with five inch hexes 11 x 13.

  5. Great looking game, at least it was an historical result?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it was indeed the Romans were slaughtered!


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