Sunday, October 25, 2020

East Iranian Infantry


Here are some East Iranian infantry for my Early Persian army that I've finally finished painting. This unit is based on the illustration in Duncan Head's The Achaemenid Persian Army book. They are all Newline Designs figures. Painting the banding on the tunics and trousers of these was very time consuming and fiddly, to say the least, I'm glad I've finally finished! However it is all good practice as I'm working on some Immortals in campaign dress which will be even difficult. I find at best all I can do is an approximation of the tunic and trouser designs at this scale, it does seem worth it once you've finished but is a real exercise in patience and persistence while you're painting and hard on old eyes.


  1. Nice work, Mike. I thought these figures looked Newline Designs from the first photo.

  2. Looking great! It's great to watch such rare units!

  3. What a splendid unit, love the work on the clothes...

    1. Thanks Phil, they took a long time to paint.

  4. Excellent looking spearmen. Your painting of the detail is quite excellent!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, painting a bit at a time is the way to go.

  5. Excellent finish on these spearmen! I like the edging and the standard bearer is ace!
    Best Iain

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, they took a long time to paint...


Mitanni and Canaanite Infantry

  Here are some 15mm Mitanni infantry and Canaanite javelin men. The Mitanni infantry are by Chariot Miniatures and the Canaanite javelin me...